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My Mix (ed up) Tape
18 October 2022 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
My Mix(ed up) Tape is a new play written and performed by Katie Payne, with live DJ set by Glade Marie.
Phoebe is being made to go to Cousin Caroline’s wedding back home in Pontypridd. WHY? There’s people she would rather not see. Family and friends she grew up with, even Jamie Richards who licked her neck once. I know. Who does that?
Through the wedding soundtrack emerge the usual likely suspects, including Dai One Shoe and Leather Bag Face Linda, who Phoebe will do her best to not eye-roll at – but this trip home feels different, is different. Will Phoebe be able to work out how she can survive the night before it all catches up with her?
Come on a wild night out in the South Wales Valleys. Told with a live DJ, this new comedy drama about leaving and coming back to your hometown will make you laugh, cry and dance in your seat.
Content warnings:
swearing and sexual language, references to: sex, bullying, physical violence, domestic abuse/violence, abortion
swearing and sexual language, references to: sex, bullying, physical violence, domestic abuse/violence, abortion
Suitable for ages 14+
My Mix(ed up) Tape – drama newydd wedi’i hysgrifennu a’i pherfformio gan Katie Payne, gyda set DJ byw gan Glade Marie.
Mae Phoebe yn cael ei gorfodi i fynd i briodas ei chyfnither Caroline nôl adref ym Mhontypridd. PAM? Mae yna bobl y byddai’n well ganddi beidio’u gweld. Teulu a ffrindiau o’i phlentyndod, hyd yn oed Jamie Richards a lyfodd ei gwddf unwaith. Wi’n gwybod. Pwy sy’n gwneud y fath beth?
Trwy gerddoriaeth y briodas daw’r hen wynebau cyfarwydd i’r amlwg, gan gynnwys rhai y bydd Phoebe yn gwneud ei gorau i beidio rholio ei llygaid atyn nhw, megis ‘Dai One Shoe’ a ‘Leather Bag Face Linda’. Fodd bynnag, mae’r daith yma adref yn teimlo’n wahanol. Fydd modd i Phoebe weithio mas sut i oroesi’r noson cyn i’r cyfan ddod yn ormod?
Dewch ar noson mas wyllt yng Nghymoedd De Cymru. Wedi’i pherfformio gyda DJ byw, bydd y ddrama gomedi newydd yma ynglŷn â gadael a dychwelyd i’ch tref enedigol yn gwneud i chi chwerthin, crio a dawnsio yn eich sedd.
Rhybuddion cynnwys:
iaith gref a rhywiol; cyfeiriadau at ryw, bwlio, trais corfforol, cam-drin/trais yn y cartref, erthyliad
iaith gref a rhywiol; cyfeiriadau at ryw, bwlio, trais corfforol, cam-drin/trais yn y cartref, erthyliad
Addas am oed 14+